Yes! We are available for most major holidays. You may book up to a year in advance. Holidays are great for weddings since we can be assured that family and friends will be with us on that special day. Short. Simple. Sweet.


Christmas Day Wedding Ceremony

A great time to tie the knot surrounded by family and friends. Bring 20 guests wit you

Christmas day wedding ceremony

Simple Wedding with up to 20 guests. Unity Candle included. You may add up to 30 more guests, You can book any available time slot . Our Holiday calendar has only one price for this day.

New Years eve ceremony includes 20 guests

Start 2020 together in the best way possible ! You can have up to 50 guests (The package comes with 10) You may also choose to do a Unity Candle (if you wish).

new years eve.jpg

the Courthouse wedding chapel

New year’s eve


A great time to tie the knot surrounded by family and friends. Bring 20 guests wit you


A great time to tie the knot surrounded by family and friends. Bring 20 guests with you or add up to 30 more for a total of 50

Thanksgiving Eve Simple Ceremony includes 20 guests

Add on 30.40 or 50 guests (total) You may also choose to do a Unity Candle (if you wish). Please allow at least 2 weeks lead time if you are purchasing the Unity Cross or Heart. Otherwise you are welcome to use the Chapel Unity Cross or Heart (just for the ceremony)


Valentine day wedding ceremonies

The Sweetest Weddings… Simple or Short ! Add on a Unity component, bring a bridesmaid and groomsman...lets get to the Heart of it