Souni and Josh -Our March 2020 Love Story

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Souni and Josh met in Austin on a camping trip in the spring of 2010

and were just married at The Courthouse Wedding Chapel in Houston, Texas by Chaplain Pat

March 14,2020

Josh and Souni were married at The Courthouse Wedding Chapel in late February. We offer our congratulations and wish them much happiness on their new adventures, Here is their Love Story…

We will be having a ceremony with family and friends in Costa Rica on March 7, 2020. This is our story, as told on our wedding website, entitled "Costa Rica...the Legend Continues":

How We Met

Souni and Josh met in Austin on a camping trip in the spring of 2010 - a foreshadowing of the many camping trips to come, where Souni would force Josh to sleep in a camper van and Josh would beat Souni up a mountain without any training, no matter how altitude sick it made him.

A few months later, Souni moved back to Houston, where she would continue to cross paths with Josh. After running into each other a few times at the rock gym, brewery, and coffee shop, they started to realize that they had similar interests and decided to hang out.

The First Date

After several friendly lunches, dinners, and movies, they finally went on their first official date, where Josh took Souni around the world in 3 dinner courses - to France, Japan, and Mexico. Souni and Josh would spend the next 5.5 years actually traveling the world together...starting with Costa Rica.

Costa Rica

A little over a month after their first date, Souni and Josh ran away to Costa Rica together, where they bonded over their love of adventure and their admiration of each other's travel gear. They discovered, during a sketchy late-night drive through the jungle, that they made a pretty good team and neither one of them scared easily...the makings for a long, adventurous life together.

The Wedding

Costa Rica is a special place to us, and we are so happy that we get to celebrate by sharing one of our favorite places with some of our favorite people. Our wedding day will be the 6-year anniversary of our first date.


Josh and Souni’s journey began at the Courthouse wedding Chapel

On to Costa Rica for an even bigger day with Friends and Family